
Diagnostic unit I plus User Manual_3-E

2020/9/25 11:57:20點(diǎn)擊:

Diagnostic unit I plus User Manual_3-E

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Diagnostic Unit I plus User Manual (V2.1)
“I plus” increases to download and upload the characteristic program of MC (MC1、MC2、MC3) main board
based on original model, and saves the downloaded characteristic program of MC board into diagnostic unit I. It
has relative software which can backup downloaded characteristic programs in computers, or can upload
characteristic programs to diagnostic unit.
When do maintenance debugging on site, “I plus” is very convenient to solve many problems for long-service life
elevator projects due to characteristic program missing in main chipset, chipset damaged, or fake chipset etc…
and will not be worried about the trouble to replace main board but no chipset.
“I plus” needs to copy some parameters when replace MC board, it only takes few steps, and debugs other items:
well teach-in(AF10), rated speed(AF16), speed correction, external call scan(AF0C).
Usage Steps
 Keys and status switch operation.
“I plus” diagnostic unit appearance(Pic 1)
Here is a USB
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 Pic 2
a. switch from normal debugging operation interface to parameter operation interface: in Pic 2, press “+”
“-” key at the same time until the first digit dot on the right light on, and diagnostic unit will switch into parameter
copy menu showed as pic 3. If it shows as pic 3, it enters into parameter operation interface.
 Pic 3
b. switch from parameter operation interface to normal debugging operation interface : In pic 3, press “+”
“-” key at the same time until the first digit dot on the right light on, the diagnostic unit back to normal debugging
status. (From pic 3 status to pic 2 status.)
c. enter into parameter operation interface as pic 3, press “+” or “-” key, can page up or down to check parameters.
“P - - 0”, “P - - 1”…… “P - - 9”. This device can save 0~9 parameters. If the display is dark, which means
the program is empty in this number, and it display light, it means the program is valid in this number.
 Sub-Menu explanations and operations for four parameters.
a. pause at “P--0” ( at 0 parameter), press “ENT” enter key, interface will switch from pic 3 to pic 4, it shows to
enter into the Number 0 parameter menu. “0-rt” : 0 means 0 parameters, “rt” is the abbreviation of return. If press
“ENT” key, the interface will switch back from pic 4 to pic 3.
 Pic 4
b. press “-” key in pic 4, will show pic 5, “0-id” shows the ID for the number 0 saved parameter (normally, it
refers to the characteristic number of elevator ). Press “ENT” key under pic 5, it will rolling display saved
parameters ID. If the display color is dark, it means no saved parameters; it is no valid to press “ENT”, no display
parameter ID.
 Pic 5
c. press “-” key in Pic 5 , will show pic 6, and press twice “ENT” key , it will download MC board parameters into
diagnostic unit I plus. (“0-dn” , “dn” is the abbreviation of download). 
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 Pic 6
d. Press “-” in pic 6 to show Pic 7, and press twice “ENT” key will upload parameters from diagnostic unit to
main board and saved. If display color is dark ,it means don’t have valid parameters, and will not upload
parameters and save.
 Pic 7
 Download parameters (download parameters from main board to
diagnostic unit and save)
Change page to this interface, “0-DN’, DN is for download, and press twice “ENT” key, will download
parameters as below pictures.
When downloading, the number 3. 4 digit dot on the bottom right is blinking.
If finish parameter download, will display “SUCC” , it means to save parameters successful. 
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 Parameters upload. (upload parameters from diagnostic unit to main
board and save) -Must be in the inspection state
Change page to this interface, “0-UP”, it means upload, press twice “ENT” key, and will upload parameters
from diagnostic unit to main board as below pictures.
When uploading, the number 3. 4 digit dot on the bottom right is blinking
Display “SAVE ”, it means the parameters has been received successfully, and main board is saving parameters.
Please don’t touch the communication cable and diagnostic unit at this time.
It will display “SUCC” when parameters is uploaded and saved successfully. At the same time, please power off
main power supply and restart elevator main board.
 Supplementary explanation about upload and download from main
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If shows “E-XX” , it means the relative operation is error, Please check the main board status, communication
cable etc…
Explanations of Error codes :
E—10 error from downloading data
E—11 error from downloading data timeout
E—12 An error occurred while downloading data and fail to save.
E—00 invalid uploaded data
E—01 error from uploading data
E—02 error from uploading data timeout
E—03 version error while uploading data
E—04 error from uploading data, please restart main board
E—05 error from saving codes while uploading data.
E—06 error from saving operation while uploading data
E—20 unknown error
 Backup characteristic program to computer
 Restore characteristic program to diagnostic unit
 The code meaning when copy parameters from diagnostic unit.
Software Operations:
1. upload file from computer to diagnostic unit
2. open serial
3. select needed
spec upload to
diagnostic unit
4. select to save
1. select COM
5. click to upload
specs to diagnostic
6. uploaded spec to diagnostic
unit, successfully 
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2. download spec from diagnostic unit to computer
3.Illustration for spec modification
2. Input your modified spec address
and click enter to save, and select
it, the value for this address will be
changed automatically. Click”
modify” button, will show the
modified value.
3. click save to
take effect.
upline is original
downline is
modified value
1. upload or open the spec file, click
“spec” in menu, and select “spec modify”
1. select COM
2. open
serial port
3. select program Number for
needed backup to computer
4. click to download
5、download spec successfully
6. click to save,
and select the
saved route.
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4、data cable connection
5. the accessories for connector changes from USB to RS232 serial port.
this connector is only
for diagnostic unit,
forbid connecting with
USB of computer.
The short-line USB
connector, is 5V power
supply, when diagnostic unit
needs 5V power supply, it can
connect computer USB ,
mobile phone charges or
power charger. The short-line
USB connector is only for
power supply
9-pin RS232 serial
port is for the
connection with board
port of elevator’s MC
board or RS232 of
2 – RXD
3 – TXD
5 – GND
9 – 5V DC 
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Note: when diagnostic unit connects with computer, if computer is not with RS232 serial connector, will need this
6. Distinguish

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